audit logs in AWS RDS Oracle database


I have a requirement to capture config changes in the logs. I tried it and it is not writing to AWS RDS audit logs. example

CREATE USER test IDENTIFIED BY "test123!" default tablespace users temporary tablespace TEMP_DBPRODB profile DEFAULT;


alter user test profile SERVICE_ACCOUNT;

it is not getting captured

I tried it on a non AWS RDS Oracle database and the above changes are gettting written to the audit log

here is what I see in the audit log

Tue Jun 13 11:47:53 2023 -04:00 LENGTH : '254' ACTION :[101] 'CREATE USER test IDENTIFIED BY * default tablespace users temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT' DATABASE USER:[1] '/' PRIVILEGE :[6] 'SYSDBA'

Tue Jun 13 11:48:13 2023 -04:00 LENGTH : '183' ACTION :[31] 'GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE to test' DATABASE USER:[1] '/' PRIVILEGE :[6] 'SYSDBA'

Tue Jun 13 11:50:15 2023 -04:00 LENGTH : '191' ACTION :[39] 'alter user test profile SERVICE_ACCOUNT' DATABASE USER:[1] '/' PRIVILEGE :[6] 'SYSDBA' CLIENT USER:[6] 'oracle'

The parameter setting for this database I see is SQL> show parameter audit_trail NAME TYPE VALUE

audit_trail string DB, EXTENDED

Whereas for AWS RDS database that value is null.

Is that the reason the audit logs is not capturing those changes?

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The fact that AUDIT_TRAIL is NULL in your RDS instance shows that auditing is not turned on. You need to turn on auditing. Please see the blog and relevant documentation from both AWS and Oracle to get what you want.

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Hi there!

You can see Oracle's audit logs in the RDS Console and also publish them to CloudWatch Logs for further analysis and retention. The following documentation page has all the information about it.

I hope this helps.

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