i am getting Health checks failed with these codes: [301]


Enter image description here help me i am getting this error while creating http load balancer , i am using 1 instances

posta 2 anni fa5143 visualizzazioni
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The target group by default checks for status code 200 to determine if the targets are healthy. As rightly mentioned by @mn87, the health checks are failing due to redirection. Till you look into the redirection part, you can configure the target group to accept 301 status code also. Select the target group -> Health checks -> Edit -> Advanced health check settings. In the 'Success codes' field add 301 also so that it reads 200, 301

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con risposta 2 anni fa

This error may occur if you have configured redirection in your EC2 instance application. [1]

[1] Troubleshoot failing health checks for Application Load Balancers

The following is a Japanese site, but please see the translation as it may be helpful in troubleshooting. [2] [3]

[2] What to do if you get Health checks failed with these codes [302] in ALB health checks | DevelopersIO

[3] What causes ALB health checks to fail with "Health checks failed with these codes:[XXX]" and what can I do about it | DevelopersIO

I hope this helps.

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con risposta 2 anni fa

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