How to report incorrect translations for feedback ?


We are using AWS translate to convert English to Malayalam and there are a few errors in translation (when translating numbers). How do we give a feedback so that this can be corrected ? For instance: 999 is to be translated as തൊള്ളായിരത്തി തൊണ്ണൂറ്റി ഒൻപത്, but is translated as തൊണ്ണൂറ്റി തൊണ്ണൂറ്റി ഒൻപത്. The hundreds place translation is incorrect. 9_ _ is always തൊള്ളായിരത്തി ____ ____ , but is translated as തൊണ്ണൂറ്റി ____ _____ which is incorrect

posta 6 mesi fa229 visualizzazioni
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