S3 restore from Glacier Deep Storage seems hung.


I have approx 100k files that I initiated a restore from Glacier Deep. The files now show both "This object is stored in the Glacier Deep Archive storage class In order to access it you must first restore it." AND "Restoration status Completed Restoration expiry date April 22, 2023, 20:00:00 (UTC-04:00)". I cannot copy the files to another S3 bucket as I get "warning: Skipping file s3://FILE_NAME. Object is of storage class GLACIER. Unable to perform copy operations on GLACIER objects. You must restore the object to be able to perform the operation." It has been over 24 hours since the restoration began.

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Hi, If you are restoring with GLACIER bulk retrieval.. it takes around 48 hrs to retrieve all the files completely. You can probably check with headObject api call on respective object to know about the object restoration status. If the object restoration is in progress, the header returns the value ongoing-request="true". Else it will be "false". You can copy the "false" value objects to another bucket. https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/s3/client/head_object.html

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