Error Category: UNCLASSIFIED_ERROR; An error occurred while calling o109.pyWriteDynamicFrame. Cannot write map field DetectedEntities to CSV


"In my AWS Glue job, I've configured an ETL process to extract data from the Data Catalog, apply a transformation to detect Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and then store the transformed data in an S3 bucket. However, during execution, I encountered the following errors:

Error Category: UNCLASSIFIED_ERROR: When attempting to write the dynamic frame to CSV format, an error occurred stating 'Cannot write map field DetectedEntities to CSV.'

Error at the S3 target: 'Target node not supported. You have selected a data target node which is not supported for data preview.'

I'm seeking guidance on resolving these issues to ensure the successful execution of my AWS Glue job. How can I troubleshoot and address these errors effectively?"

posta un mese fa169 visualizzazioni
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As the error says, the output is a nested structure. It cannot be represented on a CSV file. Try storing to parquet.

con risposta un mese fa
verificato 20 giorni fa
  • yes, thank you for clarification

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