Existing RDS clone, can it be Anonymized?


Hey all,

I have been tasked with Anonymizing personal data for an already existing clone of a db (RDS SQL). Is this possible?

Could you point in the direction of how it can be done. I have been staring at google for over 2 hrs now and lossing the will

  • please accept the answer if it was useful

質問済み 1ヶ月前108ビュー

Anonymizing personal data in an existing clone of an Amazon RDS SQL database is definitely possible and a common requirement, especially for development and testing environments where using real user data can pose security and privacy risks. Here’s a general approach to anonymizing data in an SQL-based database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server hosted on Amazon RDS.

Step 1: Understand Your Data First, identify which columns contain sensitive or personal data that needs to be anonymized. This could include names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, social security numbers, and any other personally identifiable information (PII).

Step 2: Choose Your Anonymization Strategy There are several strategies for data anonymization, each suitable for different types of data:

  • Masking: Replacing characters with a fixed character (e.g., masking all but the last four digits of a social security number).
  • Substitution: Replacing original data with other plausible but non-real data.
  • Shuffling: Randomly rearranging values within a column.
  • Hashing: Using a cryptographic hash function where suitable, although this is irreversible.
  • Nulling: Removing data by setting it to null (if acceptable under your use case).

Step 3: Implement Anonymization Depending on your database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server), you can write SQL scripts or use stored procedures to update the data directly. Here are some simple SQL examples:


UPDATE users SET name = CONCAT('User_', id), email = CONCAT('user_', id, '@example.com');

For PostgreSQL

UPDATE users SET name = 'Anon', address = md5(random()::text || clock_timestamp()::text);

For SQL Server

UPDATE users SET phone_number = '555-' + RIGHT(phone_number, 4);

Step 4: Automate the Process For ongoing or repeated anonymization, especially in larger databases or multiple environments, consider automating the process:

  • SQL Scripts: Automate the execution of your SQL scripts using job schedulers.
  • AWS Lambda: Use AWS Lambda to trigger anonymization scripts based on specific events or schedules.
  • Data Pipeline: Use AWS Data Pipeline or similar services for periodic data transformation tasks.

Tools and Utilities There are tools available that can assist with data anonymization:

  • Database-specific tools: Some databases offer built-in tools or add-ons for anonymization.
  • Third-party software: Tools like DataVeil, Tonic.ai, or others that specifically provide data masking and anonymization features.
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回答済み 1ヶ月前

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