Use NodeJS Lambda Destination to send JSON to NodeJS Lambda within VPC


I have a Lambda in NodeJS 18 which is accessible by Function URL. Depending on request GET parameters it outputs different JSON data to the web browser. Instead of this behavior, I want to have my output go to another Lambda function that writes to an EFS within a VPC. How can I test this and what variables does the first Lambda function output that the second reads from asynchronously?

I know how to write to the EFS, I just don't know how to get the data from the first lambda function into some kind of readable stream that the second Lambda can read.

Bryan C
質問済み 1年前704ビュー

As per the description, I understand that the flow of the request is as follows:

Function URL → Lambda A → Lambda B → EFS

Depending on the HTTP method of the request from function URL, Lambda A returns response to the client. But now you want to send the response to Lambda B from Lambda A i.e. basically make Lambda A to invoke Lambda B.

To invoke a Lambda function you can use Lambda:InvokeFucntion action in code of Lambda A and send the payload to Lambda B, which will be received by Lambda B as an event. And in Lambda B sort the required details from the event payload and write it to EFS.

[+] Invoke - [+]

To invoke Lambda B, Lambda B should have Lambda:InvokeFunction resource based policy which will allow the Lambda A to invoke Lambda B.

Following are the steps to add resource based policy to Lambda B:

  1. Go to the lambda function B.
  2. Click on Configuration tab.
  3. Click on Permissions Option.
  4. On Resource-based policy statements tab, choose to add permisssions.
  5. Select AWS Service and provide the following values: Service: Other StatementID: Enter a unique statement ID Principal:
    Source Arn: <Paste the ARN of Lambda A> Action: Lambda:InvokeFunction
  6. Save the permissions.

[+] Using resource-based policies for Lambda -

回答済み 1年前
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レビュー済み 2ヶ月前

Lambda has a feature called Lambda Destinations which sends the result of a function to some other destination (SNS, SQS, EventBridge or a different function). This feature however, only works for asynchronous invocations, which is not the case when invoked using Lambda Function URLs.

You have several options:

  1. Invoke function B from function A. Use the asynchronous invocation mode so that function A does not wait for function B to complete.
  2. Instead of using function URL, use API gateway to invoke an Express Step Functions state machine synchronously. The state machine will invoke function A and with when done, it will invoke function B asynchronously and return the result to API gateway, which will return to the client.
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回答済み 1年前
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レビュー済み 2ヶ月前

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