How to run PuTTYgen from a .NET Lambda function


I have a .NET Lambda function. I need to generate a new RSA key pair and convert the private key to PPK format with a passphrase.

Since PPK is a PuTTYgen-specific format, I have been unable to find any native .NET tools to do the conversion of the generated key to PPK.

As an alternative, I have read that it is possible to run arbitrary executables from Lambda, but all the examples are nodejs.

So my question is, how would I go about packaging PuTTYgen into my Lambda function and then executing it with C#?

質問済み 6ヶ月前175ビュー

Why does it need to be a ppk? Putty supports OpenSSL keys which you could create from OpenSSL libraries.

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回答済み 5ヶ月前

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