Question about Amazon SES billing and emails sent ammount


Hello, good day, yesterday I completed 1 month with Amazon Ses and a week before I checked the cost estimator and it told me that at the end of the month I would pay 9 dollars, but today I received an invoice for 14 dollars, and that I have sent an amount of 147 thousand emails. Is there a tool to be able to see the list of recipients to whom those 147 thousand emails were sent, to see if I can restrict some recipients, since I have Amazon Ses configured on all my servers as smarthost and my server notifications (which There are not a few) they are also sent through Amazon Ses. I would like to know, because on another server I use mailbaby from inteserver and I can access my panel and see in detail each of the emails that my server sent, with statistics and graphics. I ask this question, because I believe that in this way I can reduce the number of emails to those strictly necessary (those from a php app that we have mounted on each server). Greetings

質問済み 2ヶ月前109ビュー

The cost difference between the estimate and invoice likely boils down to a few possibilities:

  • Free Tier Exceeded: SES has a free tier with limits. If you exceeded those limits (147,000 emails might have done it!), you'd be charged for the additional usage.

  • Unexpected Sending: Double-check if any processes besides your app are using SES unexpectedly. Consider server logs or temporary credentials for clues. Finding Recipient Details (Currently Limited):

Unfortunately, SES doesn't offer a recipient list view like Mailgun or Mailtrap. However, there are workarounds:

Review sending code and analyze the code sending emails in your PHP app to understand recipient details.

Optimizing SES Usage:

Separate Server Notifications: Consider using a dedicated service for server notifications instead of SES. This can isolate notification emails and prevent them from contributing to your SES bill.

Review Sending Frequency: Analyze if your PHP app sends unnecessary emails. Optimize code to send emails only when truly required.

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