AWS MSK cloudwatch logs - disable DEBUG


I've upgraded AWS MSK service from 3.4.0 to 3.5.1, without changing any other configurations. After upgrade I see a lot of DEBUG message in CloudWatch Logs for AWS MSK Partition:

[2023-10-10 11:16:11,797] DEBUG [Partition haas.syslog-9 broker=1] Recorded replica 2 log end offset (LEO) position 0 and log start offset 0. (kafka.cluster.Partition)

This kind of logs appeared after upgrade, and I don't see how to disable it. For 1h, it generates more than 1mln logs.

Standard broker info logs present as well.

My MSK logs configuration - Basic monitoring enabled, Open monitoring with Prometheus and JMX exporter.

No custom cluster configuration provided.

Any suggestion how to disable such kind of logs? Regards, Oleksandr


Hello there,

It seems someone might have enabled the DEBUG logging. However, you can disable at broker level using the below commands:

bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --entity-type broker-loggers --entity-name 0 
// show all the log levels for broker 0
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --add config "kafka.server.ReplicaManager=WARN,kafka.server.KafkaApis=DEBUG" --entity-type broker-loggers --entity-name 0
// set some log levels for broker 0

I hope this helps.

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