Can I switch my ACM certificate’s validation method?

2 minute read

I want to change the validation method for my AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate.

Short description

After you submit a certificate request with ACM, you can't change the validation method. To use a new validation method, you must request a new certificate. 


To change the ACM certificate validation method, use your preferred validation method to request a new certificate for your domain. After your new certificate is issued, associate the certificate to the resources that were used with the previous certificate. To identify the resources that the previous ACM certificate was associated with, see Describing ACM certificates.

Note: As a best practice, use DNS validation rather than email validation, especially if Amazon Route 53 is the DNS provider for your domain.

To replace your ACM certificate on your load balancer or Amazon CloudFront distribution, take the following actions:

Related information

Why am I not receiving validation emails when using ACM to issue or renew a certificate?

Why is the CNAME record not resolving for my ACM issued certificate and the DNS validation status is still pending validation?

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 6 months ago