AWS Auto Scaling group - price-capacity-optimized for spot instances - replacement process



Let's suppose we have Auto Scaling groups that has 2 desired capacity and configured to launch them as spot instances with price-capacity-optimized strategy

We configured the ASG to launch two different instance types: t3.medium, t3.large

At first run, the running spot instacnes are as the following depending on the allocation strategy: 2 with t3.medium

Now let's suppose that, the other instance type t3.large got better allocation strategy (price-capacity-optimized),

Will the ASG switch the running spot instances from t3.medium to be t3.large?

Could you please advise?


질문됨 일 년 전622회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변


AutoScaling will not rebalance existing instances based on changes to the allocation strategy. Additionally, its impossible to change the instance type of a running EC2 instance (inside of AutoScaling or not).

You can enable Capacity Rebalancing on the group, and AutoScaling will try to proactively replace instances which are going to be terminated by spot soon, but this isn't constantly monitoring price/capacity, it only happens when Spot sends a notification to AutoScaling.

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