Is the Version of a Step Function available from Step Function Context


The Context object available from a Step Function is described here, but there isn't a mention of Versions. If Versions are used is the executing Version visible in the Step Function Context object (either as a seperate field or as part of the StateMachine.Id)?

질문됨 8달 전282회 조회
2개 답변
수락된 답변

It seems it is not shown in the context object. I will raise it with the service team.

profile pictureAWS
답변함 8달 전
  • BTW, why do you need it?

    In the meantime, you can use DescribeExceution or GetExecutionHistory to get the information.

  • I'm looking at doing a consistency check between the version of the Step Function that's running and the version of the Lambdas it's executing, and if the Step Function included this in context as Lambda does then this would be a convenient and performant way to do it



The way to obtain the version of a state machine is to use API DescribeStateMachine in the Step AWS SDK of your favorite language :

It's called revisionId in the returned Json:

   "creationDate": number,
   "definition": "string",
   "description": "string",
   "label": "string",
   "loggingConfiguration": { 
      "destinations": [ 
            "cloudWatchLogsLogGroup": { 
               "logGroupArn": "string"
      "includeExecutionData": boolean,
      "level": "string"
   "name": "string",
   "revisionId": "string",
   "roleArn": "string",
   "stateMachineArn": "string",
   "status": "string",
   "tracingConfiguration": { 
      "enabled": boolean
   "type": "string"



profile pictureAWS
답변함 8달 전

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