Amplify: 'id' column generated even after defining custom primary key column only


We are using Amplify to create a model. And using AppSync mutations and queries to store and access data from those Dynamo DB tables. We defined a custom primary key. Reference: type Movie @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: public}]) { imdb: ID! @primaryKey title: String! status: MovieStatus! rating: Int! description: String } All the generated files using amplify codegen and amplify codegen-models are correct without any 'id' column as input field. But when we run the mutation to create a record, we can see in the Dynamo DB table that a column 'id' is auto generated. Is there anything we are doing that or is that expected to be generated?

1개 답변

Hello, Thank you for sharing your query. I would like to mention that I am successfully able to replicate the behaviour at my end and this is not an expected behaviour. We have shared this feedback with the Amplify service team and they are aware about this behaviour. You may also comment and add your voice to the GitHub issue tracking the same.

지원 엔지니어
답변함 8달 전

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