aws docdb restore-db-cluster-from-snapshot



When I want to restore the snapshoot docdb shared with me, I get the following error.

aws docdb restore-db-cluster-from-snapshot \
    --db-cluster-identifier  <abc> \
    --snapshot-identifier <xyz> \
    --engine docdb \
    --kms-key-id <123>

An error occurred (InvalidSubnet) when calling the RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot operation: No default subnet detected in VPC. Please contact AWS Support to recreate default Subnets.

Thank you for your help

질문됨 5달 전177회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변


I think that if you do not specify a subnet group name with "--db-subnet-group-name" in the command options, it will start in the subnet in the default VPC.
Therefore, I think you need to create the subnet group yourself and then specify it, or contact AWS Support as mentioned in the error message to re-create the default VPC and configure the subnet.
If you already have a subnet group, I think it's easiest to specify that subnet group as an option.

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답변함 5달 전
  • this worked. "--db-subnet-group-name"

    Thank you for your interest.

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