AWS Career Question


Hi everyone, my name is Aditya and I am 18 years old and planning to apply to medicine (UK) but the plan as of now is to do a gap year. To be productive during the gap year I randomly came across wherein there is a course by AWS titled "Professional Certificate in Cloud Solutions Architecture" it is 4 weeks long. I then was looking into job scopes into this line of work and I could see nowhere that they require you to have a degree in computer science for the job, so I was wondering, can I do this course then get the certificate and apply to jobs using it? or do I have to go to university and get a degree in computer science first?

A speedy reply will be very beneficial as results day is coming up and if I need to go to university I could call some up and try get in. Regardless thank you all for your time, your answers are much appreciated!

질문됨 10달 전213회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

Hi Aditya,

While the course may provide you with a good amount of knowledge, it is unlikely that you'll land a career in this field with just an online course. There are a tremendous number of services available in AWS. Learning all or even a portion of them in a short amount of time is difficult. AWS has a steep learning curve. At best, you may be able to land a lower paid internship, but that typically only makes sense if you are going into Computer Science. But I believe your post mentioned that you were going into medicine and this likely will not be seen as favorable for internships. Typically, most individuals in this field have a degree or at least a good amount of experience. If you really do want a job, consider becoming an expert in one small area of AWS, like step functions, after you obtain your general knowledge regarding the AWS cloud.

However, I would never want to discourage ambition and education, so I do think it is a good idea to continue with a course in AWS. I do recommend the free AWS Skill Builder website. There is an extremely large number of free resources that will provide you with training. In addition, check out AWS events. There is a wealth of upcoming, free online seminars that are dedicated to professional certifications. In fact, they have a series called "Exam Readiness" that can help you review for a specific certification.

Hope this helps even if it is not the answer you wanted, if it does please accept this answer or give it a thumbs up.

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답변함 10달 전
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검토됨 10달 전
  • Thank you so much Mr Pollard, this was an insightful and useful reply! I'll take what you said onboard, it means alot you replied!! Thanks!!

  • Best of luck to you!

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