RDS replication data migration from new standalone to old master instance


I followed this : [https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/rds-mysql-cross-region-replica] to create an RDS MySQL read replica from account A(region x) to account B (region y). I promoted that read replica and switched traffic to this new instance. Now this new standalone RDS has more data as compared to the older (account A and region x) ...I want to switch traffic back to the older instance but I want that additional data to be here as well..Is there any way to do so reference to any guides or documentation will be highly appreciated.

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Once a read replica is promted to master it will cut its ties with the inital master and now is orphaned. There is no native way to replicate the data back.

I believe AWS docs recommend that you follow the same process but in reverse.. Create a new read replica from Account B back to Account A and then promote account A to be the Master again. At which point re-create the read replica in Account B.


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답변함 5달 전
profile pictureAWS
검토됨 5달 전


AWS RDS offers PITR (Point-In-Time-Recovery) features that will help you achieve what you want : see https://repost.aws/fr/knowledge-center/backup-coordinates-pitr

Also have a look at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-backup/latest/devguide/point-in-time-recovery.html#point-in-time-recovery-supported-services



profile pictureAWS
답변함 5달 전


How about temporarily stopping the application and migrating the data using something like mysqldump?
In this case, the application will be stopped for a period of time, but the data can be moved reliably.

I think there are other methods such as using DMS etc. to perform replication.

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답변함 5달 전

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