Unable to create a project DLL


I am having issues getting to create a game dll for my project. I go into my project configurator and make a new project, select it's gems, and set it as the default project. Then i open a command prompt to my dev folder and run:

lmbr_waf configure

This goes through without any issues at all. Then I run:

lmbr_waf.bat build_win_x64_vs2013_release -p all

And this goes through without any issues as well.

[WAF] 'build_win_x64_vs2013_release' finished successfully (20m42.538s)

Issue is I still cannot load the project because the game dll still isn't there. Is there a step that I am missing somewhere?

asked 7 years ago234 views
7 Answers
Accepted Answer

I don't usually compile for release but release mode most likely compiles everything into ProjectNameLauncher.exe so I don't think there will be a ProjectName.DLL when compiling for release. I tried compiling for release and I just get a much larger exe file and very few DLLs unlike the other compile target versions which generate a lot more DLL files. Profile is probably the preferred compile target if your using the Editor and that compile target should generate DLL files. What is it doing to suggest its missing a DLL needed to start the launcher?

answered 7 years ago

There is the Bin64vc120 and the Bin64vc120.release . Neither of them have the project DLL in it. I ran a search of the entire dev folder in case it got thrown somewhere else and it doesn't seem to be making it all.

answered 7 years ago

The console window output after running the build should show a bunch of "copy_outputs ([config data]) [src] -> [dst]" entries as it moves the compiled DLL files from the BinTemp directory to the Bin64vc120 directory near the end of the compiling. You might need to alter the project, clean, or force a full rebuild to get it to redo that step though. That might help you locate where that DLL is going.

answered 7 years ago

i might suggest you to compile it manually using Visual Studio

answered 7 years ago

You didn't mention which directory you tried to load the project from after compiling. The directory you probably need is but there could easily be similarly named folders for other compile targets which might be your problem. There's also an Editor.exe in that folder as well which isn't where the desktop Editor link points unless that got changed recently so you may want to run any executables for your project from that folder and not use the desktop link if that is what happened.

answered 7 years ago

Here is the last CMD output's from my last build3769-cmd-output.txt|attachment (161 KB) cmd-output.txt

answered 7 years ago

You ended a weekend of frustration for me. I ran: lmbr_waf.bat build_win_x64_vs2013_profile -p all

And it all went off without a hitch and actually made the DLL's I need. Thanks for taking the time to take a look and lend a hand :D

answered 7 years ago

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