RDS Master Account



Do you know if RDS oracle master password (Created with RDS) is required to change any settings for RDS via the AWS console or not?

Can you perform RDS oracle administration using a newly created DBA account without having the master account password or not?


2 Answers

The RDS master user is a database user credential for making changes inside the database such as creating tables etc. To interact with the AWS RDS Console you would use your AWS account credentials.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
Accepted Answer

If you only want to change RDS settings from the management console, you do not need a Admin user password.
For settings in the database (such as table creation), the Admin user password is required.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Can't a regular account with DBA role do the same to change settings in the database or you must use RDS admin account for that?

  • If users are given the necessary permissions, they do not need to be Admins to create tables, etc. By the way, what kind of database setup do you have in mind? Is it an internal database setting (e.g. table creation) or an RDS setting value (e.g. parameter group change)?

  • I was responding to your reply about <For settings in the database (such as table creation), the Admin user password is required> Did you mean that the Admin password is needed to create users in database and grant them different roles/privileges? Can't I create a DBA account and do all these database admin activities using that DBA admin account instead of the RDS Admin user?

  • I believe it is possible to perform database management activities without being an administrator user, as long as you create a DBA user and give him the necessary permissions.

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