AWS SES inbound email - smtp error 530 authentication required


Hello! I'm trying to send an email to my verified domain from I have created and enabled receipt rule for according to guidelines. However, the inbound emails are rejected with smtp error 530 authentication required. What is wrong?

asked 8 months ago639 views
1 Answer


Few things you can check

  1. Ensure that the SMTP username and password you provide are the same credentials you created for the IAM User with permissions to invoke SES.
  2. Verify that you connect to SES in the region where all your verified identities are located.
  3. Visit the SES console and navigate to your account dashboard. In the account dashboard, you should see the SMTP configurations for SES. - Verify that TLS is "Required", Verify the STARTTLS ports (25, 587, 2587), Can also try setting the TLS Wrapper port to 587.
answered 8 months ago

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