Moving from Aurora to RDS Instance


Hello team,

I would like to move my Aurora mysql to an RDS mysql instance. Is it possible to use a snapshot of the write instance to spin up the new rds instance? I saw a post referring to using dms as the only option that can be done from AWS, I would like to confirm this and also get directions on how to use DMS if it is the only option to achieve this.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


It is not possible to restore RDS MySQL from a snapshot of RDS Aurora.
Only RDS Aurora or Aurora Serverless can be restored from RDS Aurora snapshots.

As you know, it is possible to migrate data from RDS Aurora to RDS MySQL using AWS DMS.
You must select Aurora MySQL as the source database and specify RDS MySQL as the target database.

If you can secure a certain period of time when the service is stopped, one method is to use mysqldump to obtain a dump file and migrate the data to RDS MySQL.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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