TensorFlow instance


I'm considering launching an instance to work on one of my TensorFlow models since my current PC doesn't perform efficiently. My PC has 32GB of RAM, a 20CPU i7 processor, and an RTX 3050Ti 20GB GPU. I believe that the GPU is more important than the CPU for TensorFlow models, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm currently thinking of launching a p3.2xlarge instance, but I'd appreciate some suggestions from knowledgeable individuals. For instance, would it be better to launch an EC2 Inf1 instance instead of a P3 instance?

Best regards,

1 Answer


You may be interested by this article from HuggingFace comparing Inf1, Inf2 and GPU NVIDIA A10G from Nvidia.


And combine it with with one involving your GPU : https://askgeek.io/en/gpus/vs/NVIDIA_NVIDIA-A10-vs-NVIDIA_NVIDIA-GeForce-RTX-3050-Ti-GA107

Combining the 2 will allow you to relate your GPU to inf1 and better inf2.



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answered 8 months ago

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