I am paying for some EC2 Other Instance. But I don't have any instances running. What am I paying for?


I am paying for some EC2 Other Instance. But I don't have any instances running. What am I paying for?

Currently I am paying 45$ monthly for some instance I don't have. Please help me understand how to find it.

asked 9 months ago372 views
1 Answer

The EC2-Other includes multiple things releated in EC2 instances (but instances itself) like EBS volumes and snapshots, elastic IP addresses, NAT gateways, data transfer etc. Have a look at this blog, chapter "Tip #2: Understanding the EC2-Other service category", to find out what is contributing to your "EC2 Other" bill.


Ps. If I had to guess what this $45 could be, I'd bet on NAT Gateway (+ potentially an elastic IP).

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answered 9 months ago
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