Remote Desktop Connection failure


Hi AWS Team, For lab Client VPN endpoint connection through private ip address. I'm getting remote desktop connection failure. Public ip connection no Issue. Through private ip i'm getting error. Tried some troubleshooting steps like turning off windows defender firewall , AWS Support trouble shoot Nothing worked. Can this issue be solved. ThanksEnter image description here
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asked 2 months ago128 views
1 Answer

Hi Fahad,

When you're able to connect to your EC2 instance using its public IP but not through a private IP over a VPN, and you've ruled out the Windows Defender Firewall, there are still several things to check:

  1. VPN Configuration: Confirm that your VPN is correctly configured to route traffic to the VPC and that the private IP is accessible through it.
  2. Network ACLs and Security Groups: Check that the Network ACLs and security groups associated with the EC2 instance allow inbound RDP traffic from the VPN's network range.
  3. Route Tables: Verify that the VPC route tables have the necessary routes to direct traffic from the VPN to the EC2 instance.
  4. Instance Settings: Make sure that the instance is configured to listen for RDP connections on its private IP.
  5. RDP Service Status: Check that the RDP service is running on the instance and is configured to accept connections.
  6. Network Connectivity: Test the network connectivity from within the VPN to the EC2 instance's private IP using tools like ping or tracert.

If you've checked all the above and the issue persists, it could be worthwhile to look into VPC flow logs to see if the traffic is reaching the instance and if there's any pattern of denied traffic.

I'm here to help. Give me more details if it didn't work.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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