Not able to add custom domain to react app in amplify


I created a react app in Git Hub and deployed it on amplify. Now I'm trying to add custom domain and it fails to activate (PFA attached ss). Domain is I already added this domain to another react app through through amplify. But now it is causing issue.Screnshot

2 Answers

Hi, how exactly would you like to set up these two applications with just one domain? For example, would you like to move the domain from the old Amplify app to the new one, of maybe use a subdomain for one of the websites (Amplify Apps)?

It's not possible to use the same domain with multiple Amplify apps (and different websites in general) at the same time.

You need to either remove the domain from the old application to reuse it, or use some other domain (or at least a subdomain) for the new application.

answered 4 months ago
  • I want to move the domain from the old app to the new app. I deleted the old app as well from the amplify, but even then I couldn't add custom domain.

    I tried adding a new domain to the same app. Even that is getting stuck at CNAME verification.


If this domain was successfully connected to another app and then deleted within the last hour, try again after at least one hour has passed. If you still see this exception after 6 hours, contact AWS Support by creating a support case at

answered 4 months ago

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