Tranferring an aws domain from one account to another aws account keep getting error


I have an aws account with a domain I am trying to transfer to another aws account. It says it's ready for internal transfer but I keep getting this error. I have entered the correct website /domain. the correct password and checked I read agreement and this comes up when I got to click transfer domain. InvalidInput No pending transfer from another AWS account for domain:

asked 24 days ago131 views
1 Answer

Based on the error message "InvalidInput No pending transfer from another AWS account for domain:", it seems that there is no pending domain transfer initiated from another AWS account for the domain you're trying to accept.

Here are a few potential reasons for this error and some troubleshooting steps:

  1. Transfer not initiated: Ensure that the other AWS account owner has correctly initiated the domain transfer process from their end. They need to go to the Route 53 service, select the domain, and choose the "Transfer Domain" option to initiate the transfer to your AWS account.
  2. Wrong domain specified: Double-check that you're trying to accept the transfer for the correct domain name. Verify the domain name you entered matches the one being transferred.
  3. Timing issue: There might be a delay between the time the transfer is initiated and when it appears as a pending transfer in your AWS account. Wait for some time (usually a few hours) and try again.
  4. Transfer already accepted or rejected: If the transfer has already been accepted or rejected, you won't be able to accept it again.
  5. Domain not eligible for transfer: Some domains may have specific restrictions or requirements that prevent them from being transferred at the moment. Check with the domain registrar or AWS Support for any such limitations.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify with the other AWS account owner: Confirm with the other AWS account owner that they have correctly initiated the domain transfer to your account.
  2. Check the domain transfer status: In your AWS account, go to Route 53 > Domains > Domain Transfer, and check if the domain appears as a pending transfer.
  3. Wait and try again: If the transfer was just initiated, wait for a few hours and try accepting the transfer again.
  4. Contact AWS Support: If the issue persists, contact AWS Support for further assistance. They may be able to provide more details about the specific transfer and any potential issues.

Link to AWS Guide:

answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago

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