Posting bulk emailings with number of emails per second limits


I wanted to ask about the "Your maximum send rate is now 14 messages per second." limit.

If i send bulk emails like 200 emails to a newsletter list in one request, what will happen, as it will be seen as >14 emails in a second.

Will the emails get queued and sent over the next few seconds? or will the request be rejected?

If rejected does it mean that i then have to split my email list into 14 email blocks and send to each block every second or two... making it extremely time consuming (well unless automated by software)

asked a year ago473 views
2 Answers

SES does not have a built-in feature to queue emails when the sending limit, such as a rate of 14 emails per second, is reached. If SES receives more than 14 emails in a second, the additional emails will be throttled. It is possible to request a higher sending rate.

Alternatively, you can address this issue from your sending application as well. One approach is to implement delays between API calls to SES or reduce the number of threads/processes that make calls to SES. Another option is to limit the number of concurrent calls made to SES from your application. By taking these measures, you can ensure that the sending rate remains within the allowed limits and mitigate the risk of throttling.

How to handle a "Throttling – Maximum sending rate exceeded" error:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Are you saying I can ask for the 14 emails per second limit to be lifted.

is 14 the initial level for all ses accounts? As it seems very inconvenient for sending newsletters or marketing emails, I have over 1000 users in my newsletter list, I usually send all 1000 in a few blocks using my previous/current SMPT API with other provider, the way i send them is by using bcc, maybe 200 emails at a time, so thats just about 5 requests/queries.

If im using SES and have to stick with this 14 emails per second, I guess id have to send each email one at a time, then after sending 14 waiting 60 seconds then start sending again. which would take about 2 minutes, right?

answered a year ago

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