IP is blocked. Reverse DNS issue


=========================================== This is the rDNS found:

<ec2-54-113-225-223.compute-1.amazonaws.com> generic EC2. This IP has been flagged because it's a non email server generic EC2.

Request a Elastic IP to AWS, with rDNS identification, if you plan to maintain an email server on your EC2.

https://matrix.spfbl.net/en/54-113-225-223 (fake ip given here)


I have lightsail with Plesk Ubuntu installed. It has dns settings inside with PTR record (reverse DNS) In front page of lightsail also there is dns record

Not sure which gets applied.

Can i send and recieve emails with them ? Why it say no rdns when its there in Plesk dns zone settings. I did click - apply dns template Can i fix dns without route 53. Its annoying stuff. I mean i try to import dns zone file from plesk and it failed. i had to manually input. tomorrow if i change ip i need to reinput all. Nuiseance.

currently i can send email between local domain emails and also send email to google. But cant recieve emails from google. I do not know whats going on as there is no entry of those incoming email in maillog file.

Let me know. Thanks much.

asked 2 years ago753 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

Its all working. I went through few websites that check dmarc dkim and mx records to figure out.

answered 2 years ago

https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=mx%3aMyDomain&run=toolpage Gave me fail Then i opened port 25 in firewall in lightsail Re -ran , it worked

My outgoing /incoming works local and outside now. pots 25 , 465 and 587 added to firewall.

only warning is MX LOOKUP SMTP Banner Check Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner

answered 2 years ago

i used these sites to sort out dmarc dkim and mx entries and mx lookup https://easydmarc.com/tools/dkim-record-generator

I wonder why lightsail DNZ zone do not have PTR entry

answered 2 years ago

Hello Alexk!

I can see that you have resolved the issues with your MX records, DMARC and DKIM since you posted this question.

For the question about how to add a PTR record, this is something that you need to request AWS to add. Please see the following documentation regarding how to request this and the prerequisites: https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/amazon-lightsail-configuring-reverse-dns

answered 2 years ago

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