Aws Activate Provisioned Account : Can't provision a Phone Number in Amazon Chime


Hello Good day!

My name is Erica I was trying to provision a phone number in my developers account but unfortunately there's an error saying " there's a restriction in your account etc.".

I already contacted the service team twice but they keep denying my request. My account has 1350$ credit. I am requesting the manual removal of the restriction because I want to learn more about amazon chime.

I already know about the basic usage of amazon chime that's why I want to try and learn the advance use of this service.

is there anyone here can help me to remove the restriction?

1 Answer

Hello Erica! There are some services that are not available for new customer accounts. I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you provide the case number(s) that you have used to attempt to remove this restriction? I will take a look and see if I can personally discuss this with the Service Team.

If you have multiple accounts, you might want to reply to the original case and include them for reference, so that the Service Team can take a look at the previous accounts to see if they can remove the restriction based on your other accounts usage.

Have a great day ahead!

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Hello Mr. Francisco

    Thank you for your reply!

    This is the case number of my request : 10399372901

    I am paying my bill for 2 months now I even pay the business support amounting of 75$. but unfortunately I still not able to remove my restriction.

    Thank you!

    Best regards, Erica Legarda

  • Hi Erica, I have let the Service Team and the current assigned engineer on your case know of your interest to use the Chime service. From the comments I saw in the case, I understand the Service Team will reach back to you with an update in the following days. As I mentioned, if you have several AWS accounts (such as a production account), please be sure to provide it in the case so the Service Team can take a look and see if they can remove the restriction. Have a great day!

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