How do we see granular data transfer costs


We have high data transfer costs and we believe they are from the analysis team but none of them admits he is contributing to the cost. Any way we can see what each query to pgbouncer is attributing to the total cost.. soem sort of report that we can use to know what querries are costing the msot cahrges and find a way to optimise.

asked 3 months ago159 views
2 Answers
profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

Hello, You may rely on Cost Explorer in such findings quickly, by utilizing the below filters. Usage Type Group: Data Transfer (Select all that applies to your use case), Linked Account: Select the accounts that are in question, Group by: Dimension: Select Usage type, Service: Select the service where you suspect the usage is coming from.

If you would like to see such Reports/Dashboards and drill down to unit cost level, you should consider deploying Cloud Intelligence Dashboards. Ref Link:

answered 3 months ago

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