Can someone explain the EC2 costs that I incurred over the past 1 - 1 and 1/2 weeks?


EC2 Costs I have two EC2 instances, one t2.nano and one t4g.small, the t4g.small one I just provisioned on Feb. 22nd of last month.

I kept the t4g.small running until today while leaving the t2.nano instance I had "stopped". I read on one of AWS's pages that AWS customers will get 750 free hours per month of the t4g.small instances until Dec. 31st 2024 (Please see t4g.small free , so I'm not understanding the charges I incurred over the last 1 and 1/2 weeks.

I understand the spike two days ago (Feb. 29th) because that is when I "started" the other t2.nano instance I had to work on an application.

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asked 3 months ago250 views
3 Answers

Hi There

The charges look like they are related to "EC2-Other". This could be a number of things including EBS Volumes or NAT Gateways. You can see exactly what you are being charged for in Cost Explorer by changing the Group By dimension to Usage Type and the Service under Filters to EC2-Other. See below for an example


profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

Does the t4g.small have a public IPv4 address? This now costs $0.005 per hour, so if the instance is running 24 hours per-day this would explain the 12 cents per-day in blue and marked as VPC

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answered 3 months ago


Are you using the AMI of the target OS?
As I read this article, I thought that the only applicable OS would be Amazon Linux 2, RHEL, and SUSE Linux.

Q: Is there an additional charge for running specific AMIs under the T4g free trial?

Under the t4g.small free trial, there will be no Amazon Machine Image (AMI) charge for Amazon Linux 2, RHEL and SUSE Linux AMIs that are available through the EC2 console Quick Start for the first 750 free hours per month. After 750 free hours per month, regular On-Demand prices, including AMI charge (if any), will apply. The applicable software fees for AWS Marketplace offers with AMI fulfillment options is not included in the free trial. Only the t4g.small infrastructure cost is included and covered under the free trial.

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answered 3 months ago
  • I'll need to check this out. Any ideas what RHEL and SUSE Linux AMIs are used for compared with the other images?

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