Access AWS storage gateway volume using Linux iscsi initiator fails.



  1. Deployed AWS Volume Gateway on EC2.
  • Service endpoint type Public
  • Used VPC say : VPC-ABC, Subnet: My-subnet,
  • Gateway EC2 Public IP for e.g.
  1. Deployed CentOS-9 EC2 instance in same VPC in which Volume gateway is deployed. (i.e. VPC-ABC, Subnet: My-subnet, Auto assign public IP as YES)

  2. Now from the EC2 system deployed in step #3, performed iSCSI discovery.

  • For e.g. iscsiadm -m discovery -t st --portal (Here discovery work fine)
  1. Now performed iSCSI login.
  • For e.g. iscsiadm -m node --targetname <volume> --portal <>:3260 --login (Here login gives error as iscsiadm: No records found)

Please assist as to how volumes can be accessed from linux initiator.

NOTE:- All above VPC, subnet, IP are for better understanding of scenario and not the real names/IP's.

asked 7 months ago208 views
1 Answer

Please refer to below document for connecting to volume gateway using linux initiator

I replicated the setup at my end with by client and gateway in same VPC and subnet

sudo /sbin/iscsiadm --mode discovery --type sendtargets --portal <PrivateIP of gateway>:3260

sudo /sbin/iscsiadm --mode node --targetname --portal <PrivateIP of gateway>:3260,1 --login

In case you are still facing the issue please verify that the gateway is accepting the connection on port 3260

answered 7 months ago
  • Hello Team, I am able to discover/login to volume using private IP. No issues with that. Which you mentioned in your reply too.

    However as I mentioned in my Ticket, I am trying to access using PUBLIC IP.

    I have centos 9 EC2 with "Auto assigned" public IP. And for iSCSI discovery and login I am giving the PUBLIC IP of Storage Gateway EC2 system. Here discovery works successfully. i.e. list the volumes. However iSCSI login fails with error " iscsiadm: No records found"

    Please guide.

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