Mounting EBS or EFS as File System in on Premise Instances


I have used the open source s3fs for mounting s3 buckets in a local directory. Are there similar open source solutions for EBS or EFS? Most of the guides I see seem to assume that I am using an EC2 with the appropriate security group setting, but I need it to be on my own VM or laptop (running Ubuntu).

asked 2 years ago1463 views
1 Answer

This walkthrough uses the AWS Management Console to create and mount a file system on an on-premises client. You do so using either an AWS Direct Connect connection or a connection on an AWS Virtual Private Network (AWS VPN).

You can mount your Amazon EFS file systems on your on-premises data center servers when connected to your Amazon VPC with AWS Direct Connect or VPN. Mounting your Amazon EFS file systems with amazon-efs-utils also makes mounting simpler with the mount helper and allows you to enable encryption of data in transit. See reference here

EBS cannot be mounted on-premises but can be used to take back up of data as EBS snapshots

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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