AWS Pinpoint push notification not showing while app is in background


Integrated AWS Pinpoint push notification in my react native app. In Android while app is in background notification is not delivered to notification drawer.

It's only issue when we send using AWS Pinpoint console, while sending from, it deliver correctly in device notification drawer.

Notification Payloads for Bothe cases:

Payload from {"channelId": "fcm_fallback_notification_channel", "color": null, "data": {}, "finish": [Function finish], "foreground": true, "id": "-2060213543", "message": "Push notification body", "priority": "high", "smallIcon": "ic_notification", "sound": null, "tag": null, "title": "Push notification title", "userInteraction": false, "visibility": "private"}

Payload from AWS Pinpoint console: {"data": {"pinpoint.campaign.campaign_id": "_DIRECT", "pinpoint.notification.body": "This is new push notification body", "pinpoint.notification.silentPush": "0", "pinpoint.notification.title": "This is new push notification", "pinpoint.openApp": "true"}, "finish": [Function finish], "foreground": true, "id": "-134303354", "userInteraction": false}

asked 5 months ago76 views
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