This is a question regarding the connection between Fargate and RDS.


I have a question regarding Fargate. As far as I understand, Fargate operates within a serverless architecture, meaning it should not be running when not in use. If I have a container running on Fargate that connects to RDS, would Fargate maintain the connection to RDS when the container is not being called? or does it only reconnect to RDS when called upon?

asked 2 months ago246 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


If the Fargate task disappears when the application process ends, the connection to RDS will disappear.
In other words, I think that a connection to the database is created when the task starts (when the application starts processing).
So, if you are having problems with the number of connections to the database, you can improve it by setup something like RDS Proxy and using a connection pool.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Hi Riku, I appreciate your explanation and assistance in clarifying my doubts.

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