Can't load the dynamic Website


I am not able to open the Website: By opening I've got this error: "Unable to retrieve AWS credentials. Please assign an IAM Role to this instance." I've added several policies to the IAM role, but it is not solved. Instance: i-0a1712f477e347dd1 (Dynamic-Webbsite) Role: DynamicWebsite-Role

Please help

Thanks! Ho Ngoc

Ho Ngoc
asked 16 days ago73 views
1 Answer


The error message "Unable to retrieve AWS credentials. Please assign an IAM Role to this instance." indicates that the instance is trying to access AWS services but cannot find the necessary credentials. Let's assume you've configured your roles and policies correctly to access required AWS services. Here’s a step-by-step guide to resolve this:

Verify IAM Role Attachment: Ensure that the DynamicWebsite-Role IAM role is correctly attached to the instance i-0a1712f477e347dd1.

  1. Open the EC2 Management Console.
  2. Select the instance i-0a1712f477e347dd1.
  3. Check the "IAM role" field under the "Description" tab. Ensure it shows DynamicWebsite-Role. If not follow the below documentation to attach the IAM role(DynamicWebsite-Role) to an EC2 instance.

Instance Profile Association: Ensure the instance profile is correctly associated with the IAM role. Sometimes, creating a role doesn't automatically associate it with an instance profile. Attach role to an instance

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answered 15 days ago

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