Limit Increase: EC2 Instances


Case ID: 6986531161
Limit increase request 1
Service: EC2 Instances
Region: EU (Frankfurt)
Primary Instance Type: All P instances
Limit name: Instance Limit
New limit value: 1
Use case description: FastAI Limit Increase Request
After two days case is still unassigned. Please help.
I need p2.xlarge instance type, but couldn't find it in limits.

Edited by: yankinmk on May 7, 2020 2:43 AM

Edited by: yankinmk on May 7, 2020 2:49 AM

asked 4 years ago400 views
2 Answers

Please raise the request using the limits or service quota's from your AWS console, which will create a case and respective team will take care of it ans revert you back. To refer this link for how to raise the request :
AWS service quotas :
Thank you

answered 4 years ago

Thank you. I did it. Limit is increased now.

answered 4 years ago

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