Quicksight - Create data set (Athena) - Table query times out when trying to create data set


I have a Athen data source which is a documentDB service. I have successfully managed to connect the two, and can perform SQL queries to the database from Athena and get data. The results are added to an S3 bucket. I want to use QuickSight to visualize Athena queries. However, I'm running into a TIME_OUT error when trying to create a Athena data set in Quicksight.

Quicksight manages to connect to Athena and SSL validation works. When I click "Create data source" I'm set to the next step where I can select both the catalog and (DocumentDB) database. But the table selector view is timing out, which blocks me from creating the data set. So my questions is, why would it time out?

asked 2 years ago1252 views
1 Answer


If you are using direct queries when creating a dataset and you are in conflict with the 2 minute hard limit, follow the steps below to tune to a faster query or try importing the dataset in SPICE mode. please look.


If you are having problems for reasons other than the above, please provide additional information (timeout time, query content, etc.). I want to support you.

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answered 2 years ago
reviewed 2 years ago
  • Hello, thank for the reply.

    So where can I see if I'm using a direct queries or SPICE queries? It doesn't look like there is a checkbox or something for choosing a query method when I try to create the data set in quicksight. If I go into the "Manage QuickSight" it does say that I have used a couple of MBs of SPICE usage. SO i guess I am using it?

    Regarding the link you sent, the issue does not happen during analyysis, it happens when I try to create a new data set. I keep thinking that it might be due to the amount of tables (or collections as they are called in mongodb). Its not more than 23 of them, but Athena uses quite some time to load in all the tables and the fields. I'm very new to Athena and QuickSight though, so I'm probably very wrong.

    The Time out error I get looks like this: requestId: <id> sourceErrorCode: DATA_SOURCE_TIMEOUT sourceErrorMessage: Server execution exceeded 46 seconds, which is calculated based on client TTL and service config

  • Thank you for additional informations.

    You are probably using SPICES.
    The cause may be different from the URL I presented earlier.

    As you provided additional information, I arrived at the thread below. Probably the same problem as you.

    If you're still having the same problem after recreating the dataset, it seems better to keep the custom query simple.
    It's likely that you'll find a problem in the process of transforming your current query into a simple query.


  • Thank you for the quick reply.

    So I'm following the steps presented in the aws documentation here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/create-a-data-set-existing.html#create-a-data-set-existing-athena Under the title "Creating a dataset using an existing Amazon Athena data source" there are 4 steps, and my problem occurs at step 4, as I cannot select a table because the loading of the tables times out. I can click the "Use custom SQL" button, but I dont understand what it does. So I guess my problem is that I can't create a dataset, and as far as I understand the link you provided is maybe for issues after a data set has been created.

  • I see. How long does it take to get the results back to you if I run the query directly from Athena? Also, if the query from Athena to the DB is simple and the number of acquisitions is reduced, can the data set be created without any problem?

  • Hello, in Athena it is just constantly loading in more and more tables. Takes about two minutes to get them all in. There are around 18 tables/collections. I managed to load in the tables using AWS glue and the default Athena glue catalog.

    Sorry for the late reply

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