Web interface for AWS transfer family server


Hi We already have an AWS transfer family server running in our environment for file exchanges over the SFTP protocol. Now, we are trying to implement a web interface for the same service. The requirement is as below:

Has anyone tried this before or any better solution? Please suggest.

1 Answer

Hello, thank you for reaching out! We have a detailed blog on how to deploy the open-source web client here. Users will interact with your S3 buckets and prefixes in the same way they do with any SFTP client. When logging in, users will be presented with the home directory you've defined for them. They will also be able to navigate between S3 buckets and prefixes based on the access and permissions defined in their IAM role / policy. The web client passes upload/download operations to the SFTP server, S3 APIs are not used. If your would be willing to share more details about your use case and requirements, please reach out to transfer-pm@amazon.com and a product manager will reach out to setup a call. We look forward to hearing from you!

answered 7 months ago

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