AWS WorkMail not working for Outlook


I followed the below URL and Outlook is not working.

What needs to be done so AWS WorkMail can work on Outlook? I'm able to add this account but it would work - any input is appreciated.


asked 10 months ago543 views
1 Answer


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with configuring Outlook. What Outlook version are you using? Also do you see any error message?

Kind regards, Robin

answered 10 months ago
  • Thanks for your input @robinkaws - it's Outlook 365, and I don't get any error but can't just add the aws WorkMail account under settings.

  • Hi,

    If you have correctly configured the autodiscover domain record mail account configuration should happen automatically. In outlook click add account and enter your email address. After entering your email address you can select the the "Exchange" option. After selecting Exchange you need to enter your email address in the username field and enter your password. After that configuration should happen automatically.

    Kind regards, Robin

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