AWS IoT Device Defender with Device Shadows.


Hi! Does IoT Device Defender work with Device Shadows? My devices only come online once a day to send telemetry data to the Cloud. I want to run Device Defender every hour or so, but AFAIU, the audit will only happen when the device is online. So, can I make Device Defender audit my Device's shadows instead? Is there any documentation / blogs on how to do this? Thanks.

asked 7 months ago175 views
1 Answer

Hi. AWS IoT Device Defender audits don't require your devices to be connected when the audit is performed. Please review the checks included in an audit: Consider for example 'Device certificate shared':

When performed as part of an on-demand audit, this check looks at the certificates and client IDs that were used by devices to connect during the 31 days before the start of the audit up to 2 hours before the check is run. For scheduled audits, this check looks at data from 2 hours before the last time the audit was run to 2 hours before the time this instance of the audit started.

You don't need to involve shadows to perform audits.

I would also recommend you not run audits hourly. I think if you review the audit checks performed, they are not so dynamic.

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago

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