Creating Hosted Zone Records with MX Records


Good day Team I am unable to activate my business email on Google workspace, and I started this process on the 23rd. I followed all the instructions in creating an MX record under my hosted zones, but yet the activation keeps failing at the other end on the Google workspace.

asked a year ago282 views
2 Answers

Yes it matched what was listed apart from the MX that is missing. What I decided to do was to remove the @ sign, I had put earlier in front of the domain name in the record name box, then save it and guess what? When I clicked on the activate button on my google workspace, it worked. Thanks.

answered a year ago
Accepted Answer

Hi, a couple of questions

  1. Did you register your domain through AWS Route53 or via an external registrar?
  2. If the latter, can you run dig ns (replace the with your domain name) or enter your domain name into, then check that you see the ns records pointing to AWS nameservers?
  3. if you run dig mx or use and enter your domain, do you see the MX records you've configured?

If you're registered with an external registrar, you need to ensure that the DNS configuration at the registrar is pointing to the AWS nameservers.

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answered a year ago
  • I registered through Route53, and when I checked my NS records using the URL in your response, the MX records I configured did not appear on listed records.

  • If you look at the nameservers configured for the domain through either dig or the dnschecker URL, do they match the nameservers listed for the hosted zone?

    It does take a while for updates to propagate but that should be hours rather than days.

  • Yes it matched what was listed apart from the MX that is missing. What I decided to do was to remove the @ sign, I had put earlier in front of the domain name in the record name box, then save it and guess what? When I clicked on the activate button on my google workspace, it worked. Thanks.

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