Unable to connect to instance


I created a new EC2 web instance.
I set the name tags, selected Amazon Linux, AmazonLinux 2023 AMI, specified 64 bit architecture, t2.micro as the instance type, allow HTTP traffic from the internet, and Launch Instance. The instance launches and is shown as running. However, when I take the IP address provides for the public instance and put HTTP:// in front of it I just get the error This site can't be reached. Have tried it in Chrome and Edge browser.
Apparently there is some step I'm missing that isn't in the directions.

asked 4 months ago264 views
1 Answer


Have you installed and started a web server such as Apache on EC2?
If it is not installed or started, connect to EC2 via SSH and execute the following command.

sudo dnf install httpd -y
sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
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answered 4 months ago

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