Configuring DX + 2 transit GW in the same region + VPN site to site


Hi! I'd like to know if it is possible to configure a topology like this: DX-topology But instead of 1 TGW, I have 2 TGW (1 for PROD VPCs and 1 for NON-PROD VPCs), both located in the same region. I saw in this document that you can attach up to 6 TGW per DX gateway. But every document I have read talks about transit gateways distributed across regions. Thank you in advance!

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Yes, you can have 2 TGW. This is a valid design.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Thank you! And what about the IPSec VPN? Should I have 2 separate VPNs, one for each Transit Gateway? Notice that I won´t do a TGW peering because I want to keep PRO and NON-PRO environments isolated.

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