AWS Bedrock Custom model training error with local data


Hi, I was trying to train the AWS Bedrock Titan express model with my local sample data with 3 rows only in JSONL format. it is giving below error :

"Invalid training input data configuration. Check the input data S3 Uris(Uri should be a file, not a directory) and retry request."

I have given S3 Path correctly . in fact model is able to validate the Read/write access on the bucket successfully.

PLease help

  • Would be very useful to provide you command and file name. You can redact part of the bucket name to maintain security.

asked a month ago349 views
1 Answer

Hi, Are you trying to do fine-tuning or continuous pre-training. They have different expected format. The format required for continued pre-training is : {"input": "<input text>"} {"input": "<input text>"} {"input": "<input text>"}

The format for fine-tuning is: {"prompt": "<prompt1>", "completion": "<expected generated text>"} {"prompt": "<prompt2>", "completion": "<expected generated text>"} {"prompt": "<prompt3>", "completion": "<expected generated text>"}

For further guidance refer here: []

profile pictureAWS
answered 20 days ago

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