Timeout after login in Private MWAA behind ALB with Custom Domain


I'm provisioning a private MWAA and setting a public access through ALB (with ACM and custom domain ), following this documentation.

Domain and certificate are working, SSO login works, but redirect after login sends browser to private URL (which causes a timeout error). The only information I can find is this one but the link to another answer is broken

I also checked the Airflow documentation. . There is a key called webserver.base_url but it doesn't seem to work. The URL at the login screen looks fine: https://my-custom-domain/aws_mwaa/aws-console-sso?next=https%3A%2F%2my-custom-domain%2Fhome

  • Did you get a resolution to this that you can share?

2 Answers

Could you please validate the 1) target group's (Registered Targets [1])which are attached to the ALb and also the security groups attached to the ALB ? "If this does not work, please open open a support case with AWS using the following https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/case/create "? We can debug the issue and raise a request with Service team if needed.

[1] https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-application-load-balancing-via-ip-address-to-aws-on-premises-resources/

answered 2 years ago

I know it's an old question, but the issue still seems relevant.

It seems that AWS SSO does not support a custom domain redirect, and will always try to send you back to the MWAA environment's URL, even if you started from a custom domain.

The only way we managed to work around this isn't very satisfying. We created this script to launch the MWAA dashboard:

WEB_TOKEN=$(aws mwaa create-web-login-token --name my-airflow-env --query WebToken --output text)

(Note that the open command in the last line is specific to macOS. It opens the URL in the default browser.) This isn't original, but I can't immediately find where I got this idea to credit it.

Obviously, this requires having CLI credentials and won't be appropriate for all users. I would love to see a "real" solution to this issue.

answered 12 days ago

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