Is there a way to cancel the creation of a snapshot?


I've got one that has been going for 24 hours. I don't even need the snapshot anymore but can't find a way to cancel it.

asked 5 years ago1474 views
4 Answers

It has been running for almost 48 hours now. Automated backups are not being created because it is busy with this marathon manual backup.

answered 5 years ago

How big is the database? If it is tens or hundreds of GB then I wouldn't expect taking the snapshot to be a multi-day affair. If it is several TB, then I can imagine scenarios where it could take a long time. The forums are for community discussion, not technical support, and AWS personnel only participate intermittently. You generally need to open a support case to get help with something like this.

AFAIK there is no way to cancel a snapshot in progress. Although the underlying EBS snapshot(s) can be deleted while being taken, EBS actually continues creating the snapshot until it completes. The in-process, though deleted, snapshot counts against the maximum number of concurrent snapshots limit, and perhaps has other behavioral implications as well. This may be why RDS doesn't allow its snapshot workflow to be interrupted (i.e., by allowing a snapshot delete or another way to express "cancel"), as it could lead to inexplicable failures later on. Even that might be historical in nature, and more reasonably handled today then when the workflow was originally designed and written. So certainly worth a feature request to allow snapshots to be deleted/canceled while in process.

answered 5 years ago

It is only 50GB but it has since completed. It took 51 hours. Thanks for the info though.

answered 5 years ago

That is very odd, but glad it finished

answered 5 years ago

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