I have been charged for EC2 when I have no instances ever created in that region


US East (N. Virginia) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud running Linux/UNIX USD 2.61 $1.232 per On Demand Linux c5a.8xlarge Instance Hour 2.118 Hrs

asked a year ago326 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can search CloudTrail to find out the who launched the instance to help track this down.

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reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks , I found the event in CloudTrail and discovered that I attempted to launch my app on an EC2 instance in the Frankfurt region. However, I encountered an issue with the AWS CLI configure credentials, causing the launch to fail. To confirm the issue, I tried launching the app in another region, but it also failed to create the instance. Despite the failures, I noticed that I was still charged for the demand EC2. I'm uncertain if I had selected the 'instanceType' as 'c5a.8xlarge'.

    Here's a breakdown of the important details from the log entry:

    Event Time: July 2, 2023, at 11:33:15 UTC. Event Source: The event was generated by the 'ec2.amazonaws.com' service. Event Name: 'RunInstances' - Indicates an attempt to launch an EC2 instance. User Identity: I, as an IAM user, was identified by the username '#was_me', but the principal ID was incorrect ('wrong key'). I belong to the AWS account with the ID '300684590307'. Request Parameters: The provided parameters for launching the instance, including the image ID, instance type, security group name, etc. Error: The operation resulted in an unauthorized error with the code 'Client.UnauthorizedOperation'. The error message is encoded for security reasons and is not visible in the provided log entry. TLS Details: Information about the TLS (Transport Layer Security) connection used for the API call, including the TLS version, cipher suite, and client-provided host header."

  • You can decode the error message to see if it offers anymore information: https://awscli.amazonaws.com/v2/documentation/api/latest/reference/sts/decode-authorization-message.html

  • If you have AWS Config turned on, you can gain some more insight into the lifetime of the instance. Also, if you turn resource ids on your Cost and Usage Reports, you can get down to the specific instance that the charge is for.

  • Cloud Watch Metric for that EC2 instance is 2 hours and 10 minutes of CPUUtilization , Should the responsibility for using this computation time of 2 hours and 10 minutes of CPUUtilization lie with the user or AWS

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