Upgrading RDS SQL Server from db_m4 to db_m5, but worth it?


Hi Friends,

I'm considering moving from RDS SQL Server databases DB.m4 to DB.m5, but I do not have a clear idea of what to expect when I push the button. Could you please advise me on what to expect If I remain in DB.m4 machines? What am I missing?

Thank you, Best Regards,

3 Answers

Simply stated, m5 offers better performance as compared to m4 since it's running on latest hardware. It would also have a marginally lower cost as compared to m4. Larger instance types are also supported in m5. You can also continue running RDS on m4 but given a choice it's always better to make use of the latest instance types.


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answered 2 years ago

Luis - what regions are you in? We also offer M6i which is more price-performant than M5. M6i instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. '-i' nomenclature stands for Intel processor to differentiate from Graviton.

answered 2 years ago

M5 in general pack more performance than M4. Also think of the instance class support. For current, please refer DB instance class support for Microsoft SQL Server

For what to expect when you 'push the button' i.e. actually modify the DB instance type, please refer Modifying an Amazon RDS DB instance. It is recommended that you test any changes on a test instance before modifying a production instance.

answered 2 years ago

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