Amazon Connect - Noise Suppression



Does AWS Connection will have Noise Suppression as same as Microsoft Teams to helps customers have a smooth conversations with agents, even if the agents will be surrounded with noise due to nature of contact center ?

Best Regards, Ramy Hussein

asked 4 months ago319 views
3 Answers

AWS offers noise suppression through Amazon Voice Focus, which can reduce unwanted noise in calls, available in the Amazon Chime SDK. It allows developers to integrate noise suppression into their applications, enhancing voice clarity in noisy environments. Additionally, Amazon Connect's audio optimization in Amazon WorkSpaces improves call quality by processing audio on local desktops.

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answered 4 months ago

Amazon Connect provides high-quality audio by using the OPUS codec which has “built-in” resilience to infrequent packet losses. Refer

You can also check partners like Krisp ( for local noise suppression.
Please reach out to your AWS Support team if you are noticing noise issues on your call.

Vikas P
answered 4 months ago

I don't think either of these answers is actually valid or cover the actual question. If you're familiar with Teams or Webex's noise suppression you would understand the it can reduce background noise tremendously and make it sound like there's no one else in the room but the agent. The answer from Osvaldo seem to cover VDI end point and audio and the answer by Vikas involves Chime which is not part of Connect or at least not apparent part of Connect. My answer to the OP would be that NO, Connect doesn't have noise suppression. I would love to be proven wrong by AWS though.


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answered 3 months ago

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